Who we are
We are Europe! is a group of European citizens from 25 different countries eager to put the citizen back into the democratic heart of Europe. In 2012, we founded We are Europe! e.V. (an association under German law). If you are keen to set up this group with us and found a We are Europe! entity in your country, we will be happy to render assistance. Just call +49 211 9284 1165 or email to: you@we-are-europe.org.
Core team / Board
- Jens Baganz (Chair)
- Lorenzo Salafia (Vice Chair)
- Jörg Dehm (Treasurer)
- Nadine Alexander
- Angelika Bender
- Jean-Pierre Renollaud
Jens Baganz
Good to see you on this page! My name is Jens, and I am the chairman of We are Europe. The common Europe is still the best political concept ever conceived on this continent, and we have not even begun to realise its immense potential. Our countries are like a symphony orchestra tuning its instruments – but the symphony has yet to be played. Let’s work on it, people. Together.
Lorenzo Salafia
Hello, my name is Lorenzo and I am currently studying civil engineering. At 18 years old, I belong to the young generation of Europe.
The opportunities that Europe offers to my generation, as well as to the generations to come, show me that it is imperative that we get involved so that we keep our common ideals and strengthen our unity! For a united Europe!
Jörg Dehm
Hello, I’m Jörg and I’m in charge of the finances in the We Are Europe team. Born in 1963, I can still remember times when you were stuck in traffic jams at borders and had to change money every time you travelled. Much has been achieved in the past decades, but Europe should be more than “practical” and “useful”. We are united by values, freedom, democracy, the rule of law, … and we actively stand up for them. We do this with commitment, but also with fun. Join in!
Angelika Bender
Hello, I’m Angelika and I’ve been involved since 2017. At that time, concerns about the election victory of the anti-European Marine Le Pen and the UK’s exit from the EU made me realise that our united Europe needs the support of its citizens and cannot be taken for granted. I would like to see more solidarity and solidarity among all Europeans and an end to national egoisms. My involvement with We are Europe is my way of contributing to this.
Jean-Pierre Renollaud
Hello everyone, I am Jean-Pierre, a French European living in Bonn, where I work as a linguist, grammarian and language teacher. My commitment to Europe is based on Franco-German friendship and cooperation, the cornerstone of Europe. As a board member of We are Europe!, it is my major concern to represent and promote the values of our European Union: Respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights should be sacrosanct. Nothing but this common ground can preserve and realise peace and international understanding. Vive l’Europe !
What has happened so far: We are Europe! in pictures
Since our first appearance back in 2012, so many people got excited about the fantastic potential of the European dream. Some of these precious moments are shown below.