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European democracy passports

How could we support the idea of transnational democracy in Europe with the means of art”, we wondered in autumn 2019. In a close dialogue with artists dedicated to the European dream and “Pulse of Europe Düsseldorf”, we elaborated the concept of a “European democracy passport”. And on Nov 23, 2019, we got ready to issue its first edition in Düsseldorf. The very special feature of this passport: Renowned international artists of the exhibition series KÜNSTLER SEHEN EUROPA – Nadja Zikes, Robinson Tilly, Rhea Standke and Theresa Kallrath – agreed to design page three of each passport individually. “Each passport will be unique,” they promised – and they kept their promise. The passport sample was designed by Brigitte Marx.

The passports are calling on all responsable institutions

to get engaged in the conversion of the European Union into a transnational democracy in which civil rights and liberties can be exercised across borders and regardless of nationality.

Preparations are being made to extend the project to further European cities by spring 2020.