You are a passionate European keen to turn the pale EU into a buyoant transnational democracy? Then you’ve got three ways to get involved: You can join us as a regular or a supporting member; you can subscribe to our newsletter; and you can of course get in touch with us directly by sending us a message or calling us on +49 211 9284 1165. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Join us

There are two rather uncomplicated ways to become a member of We are Europe!. One of these brings you into possession of a fine work of art.

Regular membership
… is open to all natural persons who are at least 16 years old and of European nationality (including non-EU nationals). It carries full voting rights at our general meetings. – Members resident in the Federal Republic of Germany pay an annual membership fee of 60 €; for married couples and families it is 80 €. Pupils, trainees, students and recipients of social benefits are also exempt from paying membership fees, as are members without a residence in the Federal Republic of Germany. Details are set out in our Subcription Ruling.

Every regular members receives a “European Democracy Passport” individually designed by a European artist as a membership card. Click here to watch our magnificent motifs.

Supporting membership

You can become a supporting member if you find the idea of our association worth supporting, but do not wish to become a regular member, perhaps because you are not European (and neither is your partner) or because you do not want to/ cannot pay regular membership fees. Supporting members get involved by working with us or by making an occasional donation, but they do not have the right to vote at our general meetings. Supporting membership is also interesting for companies, associations or other organisations that do not want to or cannot take on formal obligations, but would like to support the European cause in individual cases through a donation or in other ways.

Membership application forms

If you prefer to receive an application form instead of filling it out online: no problem, send us a message with your address via the contact form.

    Become a regular member (if you are a natural person)


    By applying for regular membership you confirm that you agree with the objectives of We are Europe! as described in our constitution and that you are willing to promote them jointly with us. - You are aware that regular members residing in Germany are subject to a membership fee - currently 60 € / year for single members and 80 € / year for married couples and families - the details of which are set out in our Subscription Ruling. - We will keep you informed about our work by email, including information about our campaigns, fundraising appeals and events, as well as the impact we are making through our collective actions. - We take responsibility for protecting your data in accordance with the law. We will never sell or trade your data to third parties. To see how we use our data, please read our privacy notice.

    By applying for membership, you confirm your acceptance of these terms (please mark):


    [group bankverbindung-sepa]


    Type of payment: recurrent

    I hereby authorise We are Europe! e.V., Düsseldorf, to collect my membership fees due from my account by direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my bank to honour direct debits drawn on my account by We are Europe! e.V., Düsseldorf: We are Europe! e.V., Graf-Adolf-Platz 12, 40213 Düsseldorf, with the creditor identification number: DE17 ZZZ 0000 1475421. The mandate reference number (equals membership number) will be communicated separately, together with my welcome mail which I will receive at least five days before the first direct debit.

    Note: I can demand reimbursement of the debited amount within eight weeks, beginning with the debit date. The conditions agreed with my credit institution apply. I can revoke the direct debit mandate at any time.

    You will receive a copy of your membership application with your SEPA mandate by email to the email address provided. Please print this email for your records. If the email does not arrive, please check your spam folder.[/group][group beitragsfrei]

    ou will receive a copy of the membership application by email to the email address provided. If the email does not arrive, please check your spam folder.


      Become a supporting member (if you are a natural person)

      By applying for supporting membership, you confirm that you agree with the objectives of We are Europe! as described in our statutes, and that you are willing to promote them jointly with us. - You are aware that supporting members do not owe a membership fee, but do not have the right to vote at our general meetings. - We will keep you informed about our work by email, including information about our campaigns, fundraising appeals and events, as well as the impact we are making through our collective actions. - We take responsibility for protecting your data in accordance with the law. We will never sell or trade your data to third parties. To see how we use our data, please read our privacy notice.

      By applying for membership, you confirm your acceptance of these terms (please mark):

        Become a supporting member (if you are a legal entity)

        By applying for supporting membership, you confirm that you agree with the objectives of We are Europe! as described in our statutes, and that you are willing to promote them jointly with us. - You are aware that supporting members do not owe a membership fee, but do not have the right to vote at our general meetings. - We will keep you informed about our work by email, including information about our campaigns, fundraising appeals and events, as well as the impact we are making through our collective actions. - We take responsibility for protecting your data in accordance with the law. We will never sell or trade your data to third parties. To see how we use our data, please read our privacy notice.

        By applying for membership, you confirm your acceptance of these terms (please mark):


        Stay tuned.

        Not yet interested in becomung a member? No problem. Register for our mailinglist ‘weareeuropemembers’ . Unsubscribe whenever you want. For more information on our privacy policy, read our privacy notice.


          Call us:

          +49 177 8953586

          Or send a message:


          Help us.

          We launched our initiative from scratch. And we are well aware it will take us a long time to make headway, given the obstinacy of national governments.

          Thank you in advance.