Imagine if We Were All Together
the Union of the Citizens of Europe.
What a Giant Step Forward.
Imagine the initiative for the foundation of the common Europe had not been taken by governments …
but by ourselves, the people of this amazing continent.
Imagine if, from the beginning, it had not only been about issues like agriculture, the internal market and the customs union …
but, above all, about the creation of a buoyant transnational European democracy.
Imagine if, from the 1950s onwards, we had gradually learned to feel not first as Poles, French, Spaniards or Germans …
but as Europeans.
Imagine that if people hear the term “European Union” today, they wouldn’t think of “Brussels” …
but of 440 million fellow European citizens.
© Julian Mink Photography
Then the EU would have been built on firm ground from the very beginning – and many of the doubts that plague the European project today would simply not exist.
Today, we are able to repair these initial flaws and finally turn the European Union into a vibrant European democracy that draws its power from the will of its citizens and not from the fluctuating interests of dozens of ever-changing national governments.
The European treaties have already mapped out this path. Let’s simply follow it:
Article 1 EU Treaty:
This Treaty marks a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, …Article 20 Treaty of the Functioning of the EU:
Citizenship of the Union is hereby established. Every person holding the nationality of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union.
People often talk about the “United States of Europe” or the “European Republic”. This sounds like an unknown prolific land on far-off shores of the ocean. No one has seen it yet. The question is:
Will anybody build the boat to get there and explore it?
Many of us trust our governments will lead us onto this path. But they won’t. It is true that Europe has grown closer over time – a lesson learned after two mad world wars. But this lesson is slowly fading away. Today we feel in many places that Europe is starting to fall apart again: migration crisis, financial crisis, Brexit, rule of law problems, and the stone-age behaviour of Russia in its brutal war against Ukraine. Most governments are trying to keep their own little boat afloat.
If Europe is not to gamble away its own future, we can no longer rely on the 27. We will have to build the big boat ourselves:
We, the union of the citizens of Europe.
Only when we together muster the strength to consistently put our own governments on a European course through determined transnational action, instead of accepting that they pursue their “national interests”, will we be able to help the great European project achieve a breakthrough.
This is what we want to stand for: To resolutely expand the number, size and scope of transnational actions.
We still issue European democracy passports.
Has anyone ever seen real European passports? Certainly not. Our passports may bear the title “European Union” on their front side, but, actually, they are passports issued by our home governments. We issue “European democracy passports” by which everyone can declare herself or himself part of the union of the citizens of Europe. The highlight: each passport is originally designed by a European artist and is absolutely unique.
What we really strongly advocated: European cross-border associations.
Why aren’t there European cross-border associations for people who want to pool their powers not just in a single country, but in the EU as a whole? For a long time, all we heard when asking this utterly simple question was – silence. So, in 2018, we launched our campaign „Yes, we are a European Association – YEA!“ and started to identify associations which expressed their interest in transforming themselves into a European association as soon as the respective European bill is signed into law. This moment is coming nearer and nearer.
We are Europe!
was a group of European citizens from 25 different countries who wanted to put the European citizen back into the democratic heart of Europe. In 2012, we founded We are Europe! e.V. as an association under German law. In the aftermath, the association developed into one of the most shining pro-European players in Germany.

You are a passionate European keen to turn the pale EU into a buyoant transnational democracy? Then you’ve got three ways to get involved: You can join us as a regular or a supporting member; you can subscribe to our newsletter; and you can of course get in touch with us directly by sending us a message or calling us on +49 211 9284 1165. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
We launched our initiative from scratch.
Will you help us? Thank you in advance
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